Thursday, February 24, 2011

Delphi Launches Two Vehicle Sound Generators

Delphi Automotive is offering two new sound generators to help vehicle manufacturers to warn pedestrians of approaching hybrid and electric vehicles. Designed to comply with legislation expected to mandate minimum sound levels for both hybrid and electric vehicles, these environmentally friendly sounders are said to be robust, compact, lightweight and low cost. The single-box solutions are lead free, waterproof and temperature resistant.

Delphi developed the two environmentally friendly sound generators - called sounders - to enable pedestrians to detect nearby hybrid and electric vehicles, which, without the sound generators, are nearly silent. The first, the electronic sounder system, is approximately three times lighter than a conventional multi-box system and uses 90 per cent less power. Its single-box configuration helps to reduce design, test and manufacturing cost, and its size and weight simplify packaging.

The system provides a frequency range of 500Hz to 10kHz and can reproduce melodies that represent the identity of individual vehicle manufacturers. For applications requiring higher-quality sound, Delphi's high-fidelity sounder system uses a cone speaker activated by a lightweight magnet that extends the base range to 150Hz. The magnet-based system weighs 66 per cent less than a conventional speaker system. Both Delphi systems can be mounted in the harsh environment under the vehicle's hood and incorporate a 32-bit microprocessor with flash memory, a link to the vehicle's data bus and an audio class-D amplifier.

Diedrich von Behr, managing director of Electronic Controls Europe, said: 'Delphi's sound generators are specifically designed to warn pedestrians of oncoming hybrid and electric vehicles moving at low speed. 'Not only do these "green" systems enhance safety by helping to make pedestrians aware of approaching vehicles, they become more valuable when integrated with other vehicle systems,' he added. Delphi can increase the value of its sound generators by connecting them with other systems through the vehicle's data bus.

Instead of implementing several alert systems, original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) can benefit from one flexible system that offers multiple features. For instance, using unique sounds, the system can remind a driver that the battery needs to be charged, confirm that a charging sequence is in progress and notify the driver when the charge is complete. Delphi's first vehicle sound generator will be introduced by a European OEM in mid-2012.

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