Friday, March 4, 2011

Air-Bearing Lift Stage Delivers High Accuracy

Micromech's Alio Nano Z is a novel air-bearing lift stage with true nano positioning and a large open centre, which is suitable for precise applications such as optical inspection and laser machining. It uses linear servomotors and variable counterbalance to exceed precision application needs such as wafer inspection, where heavy ceramic wafer plates need electrical and vacuum lines fed though the positioning stage.

Other applications such as true nano metrology, optical inspection and laser machining are performed at accuracy levels of less than 100nm without the concern of ballscrew thermal growth, wedge-lifts tip and tilt, non-repeatability and inaccuracies of other legacy designs. According to Micromech, the Nano Z's clever design almost eliminates pitch, yaw and roll over the 24mm travel range with more than 90nm of repeatability in the standard unit.

Nano Z will deliver 10nm of repeatability with more than 50nm of accuracy. Due to the air-bearing and linear-motor design, Nano Z's footprint is compact and thus can easily sit on top or inverted on an XY-motion system. For metrology or other processes, this means no increase in the motion system's overall vertical footprint and no need for special mounting.

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