Friday, March 4, 2011

CD-Adapco Enhances Engineering Simulation Tool

CD-adapco has released version 6.02 of its Star-CCM+ multi-physics engineering and simulation tool. Star-CCM+ v6.02 is specifically designed to increase customers' innovation through the addition of simulation technologies, expanding its use into new applications while increasing productivity through improving existing simulation processes.

Star-CCM+ v6.02 will be launched at the Star European Conference 2011, which will include orientation training, new feature demonstrations, the Star-CCM+ Dedicated Support Engineers area, and a Star-CCM+ Labs corner. A specific battery module allows the simulation of flow, thermal and electrochemistry phenomena for Li-ion battery cells and packs, providing the user with all the multi-physics capability required to simulate battery behaviour in a single environment.

The module includes user-defined discretisation controls for thermal and electrochemical network within a cell and automated problem definition to quickly create battery packs from defined cells. The electro-deposition coating (e-coating) model simulates the deposition of paint under the influence of an electric field when a charged product is dipped into a bath of paint. With user-defined paint properties, analysts can examine the efficiency of a painting process by predicting exactly how the layers of paint accumulate over time. The model implemented in Star-CCM+ v6.02 is applicable to all electro-deposition coating processes.

Motion Superposition allows users to prescribe more complex body motion within a simulation and combine multiple rigid body motions or rigid body motions with mesh morphing. Potential application areas include: aerospace - rotorcrafts, helicopter blades; marine - bow thrusters; and consumer goods - fans. CD-adapco said it now supports full moving mesh and phase selective boundaries. Conveying simulation data appropriately is one of the biggest challenges facing engineering analysts.

Star-CCM+ v6.02 includes new post-processing functionality, including histogram graph types used for statistical analysis (appropriate for Lagrangian analysis, cell quality visualisation, and so on); and start and end markers for streamlines, Iso-line values, Log colour scales, uniformity index reports. Isight is a process flow and optimisation code from Simulia, a Dassault Systemes brand, which can be used to drive a variety of different CAE tools. A CD-adapco-developed plug-in allows control of Star-CCM+ within an optimisation problem with full access to field functions and design parameters.

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