Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Field Precision Updates Gambet Simulation Software

Field Precision has released the latest version of its Gambet multi-core Monte Carlo software package, which provides simulations of X-ray sources and imaging devices. Version 3.0 features parallel-processing functions and offers unlimited memory access on 64-bit Windows computers. Gambet employs the Monte Carlo method to simulate electron and X-ray interactions in matter. Through its employment of finite-element techniques, the code achieves excellent versatility, according to the company.

The implementation of efficient parallel processing yields an increase in speed for production runs; run times may be reduced by a factor of 4.0 on Core i7 computers. With the Penelope 2006 interaction physics package, Gambet covers the extended particle energy range from 50eV to 1GeV. Data arrays have been expanded to determine and display individual dose contributions from primary and secondary particles. Physical objects are represented with high-accuracy conformal meshes. Users can rapidly construct and confirm complex systems with the interactive solid modeller.

It is possible to define objects and surfaces of any shape and even import complex parts directly from Solidworks and other 3D computer-aided-design (CAD) programs. Gambet features efficient integration with other Field Precision 3D packages. As a result, the program has the capability to import 3D electric and magnetic field information and to export energy deposition profiles for coupled thermal solutions. The integrated Gambet package includes a graphical solid geometry editor, an automatic conformal mesh generator, the Monte Carlo engine and interactive post processors for 2D and 3D solutions.

A textbook-quality reference manual and a tutorial manual of worked examples with a library of input files are also supplied. Post-processor capabilities include 2D and 3D plots, interactive point-and-scan calculations and dose and energy integrals with the option to include selected trajectories of electrons, photons and positrons. Another feature, Gendist, is said to be a powerful utility for distribution plotting and statistical analysis using Gambet output files. Runs may be initiated from the command prompt, making it straightforward to create user control loops with Perl, Python or other scripting languages.

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