Friday, March 4, 2011

Handbook Offers Advice on Weighing Systems

Mettler Toledo has developed a system handbook for the design and application of loadcells and weigh modules for tanks, silos, vessels, hoppers and conveyors. The document, which covers the fundamentals of designing, building and installing customised systems, is aimed at engineers, designers and service people. Using the right weighing technology is the base for achieving the required accuracy over the entire lifecycle of a tank, silo, vessel, hopper or conveyor-weighing system, according to the company.

It also depends on the design of the support structure since it deflects downwards as load is applied to it. An undesirable vertical force occurs any time that piping or wiring is connected. Both effects can cause severe weighing errors by supporting some of the weight that should be applied to the weigh modules. This handbook explains the planning and installation of such weighing systems. It offers practical guidelines for engineers, designers and service people to avoid common errors. It covers design calculations, thermal effects, piping connections, the designing of support structures and calibration. The handbook can be downloaded for free from Mettler Toledo's website.

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