Thursday, March 10, 2011

XY Stage for Inverse Microscope Applications

Physik Instrumente (PI) has launched a fast, high-precision XY positioning system optimised for applications with inverse microscopes. The new M-687 XY stage provides travel ranges of up to 100 x 75mm and its large clear apertures of up to 160 x 100mm can hold specimen holders as well as Z systems for specimen scanning. The currently available models can be used for Olympus IX2 series and Nikon Eclipse TI series inverse microscopes.

The stage is driven by a Piline piezoceramic linear motor, which, in contrast to flanged stepper or DC motors with large leadscrew ducts, is integrated inside the stage and therefore does not require any additional installation space. This facilitates the integration of the stage under the microscope and offers unhindered access to the specimen. The Piline motors transmit the force directly to the moving platform, thus keeping the position stable, even when powered down. As a result, they do not generate additional heat. M-687 stages provide maximum closed-loop velocities of up to 250mm/sec. Their settling behaviour is optimised; settling takes place within a few milliseconds.

A slow movement is also important for users; even if a distance of only a few micrometres per second is covered, the movement can still be observed under the microscope at 1,000-fold magnification. By combining a Piline drive with a high-resolution position sensor, a stiff and high-precision stage has been designed that can reach positions repeatedly with submicron accuracy. This is said to be useful for imaging methods such as tiling and stitching that are required for large specimens.

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