Thursday, February 24, 2011

Kistler Device Measures Vehicle Load Spectra

Kistler's S615 six-component measuring wheel measures load spectra for durability, vehicle dynamics and power-train investigations on the small, light vehicles that are currently under development. The measuring wheel weighs more than 800g less than the S625 four-sensor wheel - a reduction achieved by combining the three-sensor concept with extensive use of carbon-fibre-reinforced plastics (CFRP).

The Roadyn S615 is designed for a maximum vertical load of 15kN, which is more than needed for small, light vehicle applications. The CFRP/aluminum composite wheel consists of an aluminum rim and a CFRP wheel disk. The CFRP inner part of the wheel provides the connection with the hub and the three load cells connect the rim to the inner part. To minimise local stresses, all of the relevant components were optimised using finite element analysis.

The Roadyn S615, mounted on the vehicle as a complete wheel, measures the three forces Fx, Fy and Fz, and the three torques Mx, My and Mz on the rotating wheel. Electronics built into the wheel convert the output from the sensors into digital format for transmission to the on-vehicle system. The system provides an analogue or digital output, which is fully compatible with the rest of the Kistler Roadyn range of products.

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