Thursday, February 24, 2011

Tool Enables Label Printing in Multiple Locations

Prisym ID has launched Prisym Enterprise, a web-based label lifecycle-management solution that assists manufacturers to securely create, review, revise, approve and print labels in multiple locations. Providing a central solution for label design, it automatically maintains version information and enforces appropriate access controls.

Prisym Enterprise provides a secure environment for label design, data management, approval, automated gathering of variable data and printing. It controls underlying content and records all critical activities, electronically linking them to individual users along with time and date stamping. The Internet Explorer web-based solution is quick to deploy and can be used 'outside' the organisation for selected partners, customers or suppliers.

A proactive review and approval work engine increases the accuracy of layout, and data used on labels reduces the likelihood of product recalls and rejections due to label or documentation defects. Additionally, it gives the capability to apply version control and approval to any other electronic document within an organisation, irrespective of whether it's related to labels.

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