Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Optical Laser-Based Sensors for Pulley Inspection

Optical laser-based sensors from Micro-Epsilon are playing a vital role in inspecting the quality of manufactured pulleys. The high speed and high resolution of the sensor enables the tip diameter of the pulleys to be measured accurately and rapidly in two planes. Pulleys are used in a variety of applications and are required to meet strict manufacturing quality standards.

As pulleys often need to operate in applications where high torques and rotational speeds are present, any deviations in the geometrical dimensions of the pulley during manufacture can very quickly lead to defects in the shaft bearings during operation. Dimensional stability and centricity are therefore critical quality factors. This is why pulleys need to be tested thoroughly after they are manufactured.

Measurement technology service provider QS-Grimm has developed a special-purpose measuring system for inspecting the quality of manufactured pulleys. Several testing stations have been installed to inspect the quality criteria of manufactured pulleys. These measuring stations each comprise four Optocontrol 2500 optical micrometers supplied by Micro-Epsilon. These sensors measure the geometrical dimensions and verify the diameter of the pulleys in two locations.

Two sensors each record the tip diameter on a plane to the left and right of the pulley. Due to their ability to rapidly evaluate the measurement data in one plane, the diameter of the tip can be determined accurately to a resolution of 0.1um. Optocontrol 2500 is a laser-based measuring system with integrated high-resolution CCD camera. The Thrubeam micrometer measures the dimension of an object or the position of an edge by using the shadow-casting principle.

The data obtained with various, selectable measuring programmes, is output via analogue and digital interfaces. Due to its high measuring speed, accuracy and resolution, the laser micrometer is suited for precision measurement and inspection tasks on moving products in production environments. The Optocontrol 2500 consists of a sensor unit and a controller.

The sensor unit comprises a laser light source (transmitter) and a CCD camera (receiver). A parallel light curtain is produced with the laser light source. The CCD array in the receiver measures the contour formed by shadow casting of the measurement object with high accuracy. The sensor unit is controlled and evaluated by an intelligent controller with graphical display for operation and display of measured values.

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